Join us!
Lenten Study (Prairie Lakes Parish)
Come join our Parish Lenten Study, based on the 2025 MN UMC Conference Lenten Study Book “The Third Day: Living the Resurrection”. Pastor Kathy King and Cindy Saufferer will lead these times of conversation and reflection at 7:00 P.M. on the Wednesday evenings listed below. Please contact either of them to request a book. (You don’t have to read the book to join in on the conversation.)
March 12th at Janesville UMC
April 2nd at Janesville UMC
March 19th at Waterville EUMC
April 9th at Waterville EUMC
March 26th at Blooming Grove UMC
Author Tom Berlin (United Methodist minister and bishop) helps connect the reader to the experiences of several individuals around Jesus in his final days, focusing on new life and redemption rather than loss. Join Peter, Mary Magdalene, Thomas, and the disciples at Emmaus, as they feel the despair of losing Jesus and the surprise and joy that awaits them in the resurrection. See how the resurrection transforms their lives – and how it can transform ours!
Monthly Bible Conversations at Half Pint Brewing Company (Prairie Lakes Parish)
Bible Conversations gatherings are offered once-a-month at Half Pint Brewing Company, at a date as announced, at 6:00 P.M. We join together as families and friends in a new way to consider faith: through fun, fellowship, and food. Hosted by Pastor Kathy King and Cindy Saufferer, we enjoy each other’s company, as well as a guided discussion - with a new faith topic each time. Check our newsletter for each month’s gathering information.
Monthly Bible Studies (Prairie Lakes Parish)
Bible Studies are offered every other Thursday morning and every other Saturday. Participants gather in person, and/or through our ZOOM video-conferencing platform - available via computer or phone. Contact Pastor Kathy King if you are interested in being part of this time of study, reflection, and community.
Monthly Book Study & Social Justice Conversations - "The Stretch" (Prairie Lakes Parish)
Book Study and Social Justice Conversations are offered throughout the year at Blooming Grove UMC. Contact Cindy Saufferer if you are interested, to order a book, and to learn of each meeting date/time/location. "The Stretch" is a space holding opportunities to learn, grapple, and discover how we show up as love in the world through justice-related topics. You can expect articles, book suggestions, informed discussion spaces, and a plethora of ways to experience what it means to be Christ in the world. New participants are invited to join in at any time, with or without having read the current book. All are welcome in the circle!​
Our next book conversation will revolve around Dovetails in Tall Grass. Contact Cindy at 507-363-9380 to reserve a book. Gathering date/time TBA.
​Monthly Prayer Brunch (BGUMC)
Monthly fellowship and prayer gatherings open to women and men of all ages and stages in life. Meets over noon lunch at dates/times/locations selected each month. Check our newsletter for each month’s schedule.